Kick Butt-Take Names

The producers asked everyone on the Fox Business Bulls and Bears (4-5PM EST) show today to each bring one idea we would like the viewers to walk away with. Mine was ‘Kick butt-take names’.

Too many people today are sitting home in front of their TV in panic like a deer in the headlights. Fear is for tourists. My grandma Flora used to tell me it’s OK to get knocked down, but it’s not ok to stay down. Many viewers have been paralyzed while watching their 401ks shrink with a mindset that their productive life is over. No matter who you are, where you are, or how old you are your productive life is not over. There are lots of ways to start businesses today with no capital, even small ones run by old guys like me. It’s OK to fail trying. But you have to change your mindset and attack to win.


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2 Responses to Kick Butt-Take Names

  1. Greg Collier says:

    My comment should have been posted under “I Love Blue Flame Entrepreneurs “. My apologies.

  2. Rick Kagan says:

    Dr. Rutledge

    I learned a long time ago that even during recessions those 90% of workers still employed, still must finally expend some income to buy some time.

    In my business, people are less affluent, but that has in fact not impacted their lifestyles outside of the amount of anxiety they produce [and perhaps slowing short term generational transfers momenetarily – perhaps not an awful thing.]

    Always good to “read” the succint voice of reason, thanks.
    Rick Kagan
    Chapel Hill

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