Video; Pyongyang, North Korea Middle School for Gifted Students

I made this video last week in Pyongyang, North Korea. Visited the middle school for gifted students. They have 2 floors of physics labs, and one each of chemistry and biology labs as well as an extensive mathematics program. This is a video of my visit to a physics classroom where the teacher is showing his (6th grade) students that vibrating a spring creates a standing sine wave.

Students are selected for the gifted student program when they are 6 years old and receive intensive training in mathematics and the sciences. How extensive? I visited a 6th grade biology class where the students had recently cloned a rabbit in the lab.

Tell your kids to study their math.


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One Response to Video; Pyongyang, North Korea Middle School for Gifted Students

  1. ckaltner says:

    potemkin classroom?

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