Tag Archives: Government Policy

How Much of the Stimulus Money has Already Been Spent?

One of the (many) problems with using big increases in federal government spending as an economic stimulus tool is timing. You can’t appropriate and spend it fast enough to matter much during the downturn. Spending it years later, after the … Continue reading

Posted in All, Government Policy, U.S. Economy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

Time to Think About the Next Story-Inflation, Rising Rates, Commodity Prices, Weak Dollar

The credit crisis is all you hear about from officials in Washington and from talking heads on TV. Indeed, the credit shortage is still alive and well. Employment is still falling and small business owners–the only real source of new … Continue reading

Posted in All, China, Government Policy, The World Outside of the U.S., U.S. Economy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Time to Think About the Next Story-Inflation, Rising Rates, Commodity Prices, Weak Dollar